Today is the last day I can add a new post to my blog; hand over time is 2pm tomorrow. A crisis with the Internet connection at home forces me to be sat in the college library typing this and therefore any hopes of 'going out with a bang' will not happen . It is very busy in here and therefore I feel a little uncomfortable; not like my own comfy sofa, laptop on the coffee table[a sign of my mature student status] and a glass of red wine.
I am in good company though with my fellow FAFD students Jasmine, Simon and Elaine who are in the same position, finishing off our blogs and work for our Influence file for Eve whose hand in time is also 2pm. Jasmine is a whizz on the keyboard, making me feel a bit inadequate although I try to go a bit faster in case she is watching.
My mood is fairly relaxed to say summative assessments are looming and to say it is the first time I have ever 'blogged' in my life I don't think the result is all that bad. When I look back at my first post when I was hopeless I have come a long way. If I am honest, once I got into the routine of sitting down and doing it I have quite enjoyed adding my experiences occasionally.
My intentions are to continue after tomorrow, adding new posts because I do find looking back [reflecting] on my old posts very interesting; they are an easy way of recording my progress, opinions, concerns and my state of mind...gulp... at the time. Finding the time to sit down, relax and blog is the hardest bit really but due to my ability to 'story tell' I am never stuck for something to say. I do go on a bit but I hope it does make some sense and that my work was of some interest. On that note I say goodbye for now.